My sister, opens with my brother-law, Airspace in Charleroi an indoor skydiving facility.
I did some research, asked my doctors if that was something I could try.
They all didn’t know about indoor skydiving. My sister convinced me just to try it, their was no risk. So I just booked a flysession.
I was really nervous because didn’t know what to aspect of this experience.
Once I arrived at Airspace, everybody was so kind and helpfull. The instructors explained me how to fly and how I need to hold the correct position in the wind.
I had a little chat with one instructor to see what I could do and where I needed some help.
That first flying experience for me was just insane!
The feeling to float on the air, the feeling to have no pain, the perfect pression of the air on my body, give me an undiscrible feeling.
The days after my muscles where soar…. That’s a real sport, a good exercise for me…. I want to do that more.
I contacted Airspace and they gave me a new appointment and since then I am going once a week to train
Now I have my personal coach, Bill S. He’s a World Champion and comes from Arizona, USA.
Every time I go flying I feel genuinely great!
I have my personal equipment: suit, helmet and shoes. As opposed to what you might think, I don’t need any special gear.
When I arrive, we start with a briefing. Bill explains in short what we will do and then I prepare to enter the tunnel.
I used to fly 2 x 3 minutes and now I fly 3 x 4 minutes. It doesn’t seem much, but it is, at least for me. What I learn now is to keep my body in balance. This isn’t easy because of my condition. I am already able to go forward, backward, up and down, turn right and left.
Flying is all about balance! And stretching muscles.
I can’t imagine a better experience than that to train my body, my mind and to stay sharp.
The most of the wind tunnels are a friendly place for disable people. You have no stairs, a changing room and the tunnel has an easy and perfect aces.
All the instructors are high level coaches with a lot of experience to help and learn people how to fly.
Flying the DNA Suit from DEEMFLYWEAR
Favorite helmet : Cookie G3
Favourite flying shoes : Nike
For the moment I travel around Europe to visit some windtunnels and to fly. Everybody is free to come and have a look when I’am training and to try the first flying experience. You can always contact me with Facebook messenger or e-mail., @flywithvanessa